Here at Pekex, we’re all about local, short vacations that we call getaways. Unlike exotic vacations like visiting another country or going on a safari, local getaways are accessible to just about everyone. You can take a short trip at any time, but a weekend getaway is the most convenient for most people.
We started Pekex to help you discover and plan the perfect weekend getaway. But first, what exactly is a weekend getaway?
According to various online dictionaries, a getaway is simply a short vacation. We expanded that definition to include the following criteria:
- The travel time from your home via car is roughly 3 hours or less (one way, approximately 200 miles), although sometimes we stretch it out to include destinations worth traveling the extra miles.
- The trip involves at least one overnight stay if not two or three. Daytrips are fun, but it doesn’t feel like an actual vacation without an overnight stay in our minds.
Now that you have an idea of what we mean by a weekend getaway, what makes them so great? Why devote an entire website to local vacations?
You can take as many trips as you want. There are 52 weekends in a year and 52 opportunities to take a break, relax, and have fun. With extended vacations that require days off from work, your job’s vacation policy limits how many long trips you can take. Many people only take one big trip a year.
They cost less. Long flights are expensive. Two nights of lodging is cheaper than five or six.
They’re convenient. When you take a trip by car, you travel on your own schedule. You’re not beholden to being at the airport at a specific time. You can bring as much stuff as you need without worrying about luggage requirements – this is especially important for families with kids.
You can have an experience just as relaxing or amazing as an extended vacation. No rule says the further you travel, the better the experience. No matter where you live, there are great trips nearby. It’s just a matter of discovering them.
And finally, weekend getaways are easier to plan, especially when you have a fantastic website like Pekex to help you out 😉 You don’t have to ask for permission from anyone if you’re not taking any days off. Packing is easier. For some trips, all you need is a lodging reservation, and you’re good to go.
Ready to get going? Here are six tips to help you plan the perfect weekend getaway.
- Ask yourself and your travel companions what kind of trip you want. Are you looking to unwind from the workweek and relax? Perhaps you’re seeking quality time with your kids or romantic time with your partner. Or maybe you want to be active, or social or learn something new. Are you celebrating a special occasion? Your motivation for taking a trip will influence the things you want to do, helping determine the destination.
- Once you understand your motivation, find a trip on Pekex. You can browse all trips from your home city or browse our Trip Ideas page for inspiration. The search box in the upper right corner will help you find something specific. For the ultimate convenience, sign up for our weekly email newsletter (at the bottom of this page) to have inspiration pushed directly to your inbox.
- While last-minute, spontaneous weekend getaways are possible, making reservations in advance will make things go smoother. We provide a suggested itinerary for all of our trips. Use that information to reserve tickets, activities, and lodging. Reservations at popular restaurants are always a good idea too.
- While you don’t have to plan your schedule down to the minute, you should have a general idea of your travel time and when you should depart. If you can, we strongly recommend staying for at least two nights so that you can wake up on Saturday and have the whole day and evening in front of you.
- Before you embark on a road trip, it’s always a good idea to make sure your car is up to the task. Take care of any maintenance or repairs and check your tires. If you’re renting a car or using public transportation, you’ll want to plan for that in advance.
- Don’t forget to check the weather at your destination and pack accordingly.
While you’re planning your getaway, remember that planning is part of the fun. Planning kick starts anticipation, and research has shown that the anticipation of a vacation can be as enjoyable as the vacation itself. So sit back and enjoy the whole journey from planning to going to reminiscing afterward.